- 在這一天,情侶們不必再害羞,可以大大方方地用親吻表達對對方的愛意。當然,花前月下、燭光晚餐等浪漫氣氛,對一吻定情可是很有幫助呢
Written by: Miho
- 2 egg whites
- 1/2 cup Caster sugar
- Flaked almonds, lightly toasted
- Baking sheets
- Sandwich bag
Custard Filling:
- 1 cup milk
- 3 tbsp sugar
- 2 egg yolks
- 2 tbsp flour
Directions of Custard Filling:
- In a small pot, pour milk and 1 tbsp sugar, stir and cook with low heat.
- Blend the egg yolk and 2 tbsp sugar until creamy, then add flour, mix well.
- Pour the egg yolk mixture into the milk, keep stir and cook with low heat until gooey. Off the heat, let it cool.
- Preheat the oven to 140 C / 280 F
- For the swan body, draw 6 teardrop shapes on the baking sheet, 2 inches W x 4 inches H
- For the swan neck, draw 6 ( draw a few extra for back up) S shapes on another baking sheet, 1.5 inches W x 3 inches H
- While beat the egg whites, gradually add the sugar, keep beating until foamy.
- Spread the mixture on the teardrop shapes, making the widest end thicker and insert the flaked almonds into it.
- Spoon some mixture into a sandwich bag, cut a hole at the corner, now use the mixture to write the S on the baking sheet.
- Bake the body and the neck for 15-18 minutes, move to rack, let it cool.
- Join 2 teardrops for the body with custard filling and insert S for the neck.
材料:(約 6 隻天鵝)
材料:(約 6 隻天鵝)
- 蛋白 2 隻
- 糖粉 1/2 量杯
- 杏仁片 適量
- 甜忌廉 適量
- 烘焙紙 2 張
- 三文治保鮮袋 1 個
- 鮮奶 1 量杯
- 砂糖 3 湯匙
- 蛋黃 2 隻
- 麵粉 2 湯匙
- 餡料鮮奶加 1 湯匙砂糖放入小鍋慢火煮溶
- 蛋黃加砂糖 2 湯匙打至奶白色,篩入低筋麵粉拌勻,倒入小鍋鮮奶內,慢慢拌勻煮杰煮滾,離火待涼
- 預熱焗爐 140 C / 280 F 至少 15 分鐘
- 在烘焙紙上畫上水滴圖案 2 吋闊 4 吋高,及 S 字母,放在焗板上備用
- 蛋白加糖粉打至企身,盛起 1/4 小心放入三文治保鮮袋封口,在角位剪開小洞,在烘焙紙上唧 S 字母 (多唧 2-3 個備用)
- 剩餘蛋白泡用刀沿著烘焙紙上的水滴圖案塗畫,尖部塗薄,闊身塗厚
- 然後在水滴圖案上排上杏仁片
- 入焗爐以 140 C / 280 F 焗 15-18 分鐘 (焗爐火溫不同,要小心留意)
- 取出,即時小心把 S 字母及天鵝身拆離烘焙紙,搬到涼架上待涼
- 拿起其中一片天鵝身,塗上奶油 / 甜忌廉,再合上另一片天鵝身,中間放上 S 字母,即成
- 如用甜忌廉的話,就不用做步驟 1 & 2
- 如用甜忌廉因很快會溶,做好後要盡快食用
- 可預先做好天鵝的頭部和身體,到差不多食用時才唧甜忌廉合體
- 搬移天鵝頭和身時,要非常小心輕手,因為很容易碎