Warabi Mochi わらびもち

Written by: Miho

Ingredients:(Serving 4)
  • 100g Warabi-powder
  • 2 Cups Water (400cc)
  • 2-3 Tbsp White/Brown sugar
  • Ice and cold water

  • 2 Tbsp Kinako-powder
  • 1.5 Tbsp sugar
  • A pinch of salt

  1. Prepare ice and cold water in a bowl.
  2. Mix Kinako-powder, sugar, and salt, set aside.
  3. Place Warabi-powder, water, white/brown sugar in a pot and blend them well.
  4. Heat them over medium heat for 10-15minutes, stirring throughout with flat spoon.
  5. Turn down to low heat, stirring until its color is clear.
  6. Scoop up, using spoon. Cool them into ice cold water and drain.
  7. Serve Warabi-machi in the bowl and sprinkle Kinako-powder over it.